Extension tube for music stands
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Delivery time between 3 - 5 days (within Germany)
Suitable for conductor's music stands 4501, 4511, 4512, 4522, 4560. The extension tube increases the basic height of the stand by 50 cm.
Height, e.g. for conductor's music stand 4501, 4511, 4560:
c. 135 - 170 cm with 60 cm insert tube and extension tube
Height, e.g. for conductor's music stand 4512, 4522:
c. 125 - 165 cm with 60 cm insert tube and extension tube
Suitable for all music stand desks with insert tube Ø 20 mm when combined with base Ø 25 mm. The extension tube increases the basic height of the stand by 50 cm. It has a single telescopic extension.
Height, e.g. when combined with base 4125S:
c. 125 - 165 cm with 60 cm insert tube and extension tubec. 145 - 185 cm with 80 cm insert tube and extension tube
Tube: Ø 25/20 mm, basic height 60 cm, made from high-quality steel
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